Tuesday, March 4, 2008

UNC's Fast Break with Ty Lawson

I watched the last 10 minutes of the UNC game against FSU and you could see the immediate impact that Ty Lawson will have now that he's back with the Tar Heels after his foot injury. So critical to Roy William's style of play is getting out into the primary and secondary break and Ty Lawson is a crucial component to that concept. Here are a couple of sequences from the end of the game that demonstrate why Ty Lawson makes UNC the number 1 team in the nation right now,

I wrote about Jason Kidd and his immediate impact for the Mavs last month. Any kids who are watching this, you will be a much better guard if you learn to rebound down. Guards that rebound are so valuable because they can start the break so much quicker.



Secondary Break,

Some of the things you'll notice about UNC's transition is how controlled they are. I watch a lot of basketball, and a lot of times I watch teams play ragged when they're up and down. Ragged ball is not good basketball. What you want is organized speed. Your players should be spaced properly and working together in an organized fashion. Decisions need to be made in an instant which means players should have plenty of reps in practice.


No question UNC missed Lawson tremendously the past month. Their half-court has been mostly the same, as they pound the ball down low with Hansbrough. But in transition, Lawson gives them that added dimension, something that Ginyard and Q. Thomas just couldn't give them. The big test will be of course this Saturday against Duke, but I give UNC the edge this time around against Duke, I don't think Duke can stop the transition of UNC.

If you're looking for more info on fast-breaking and early offense, look no further than Roy Williams' DVD on UNC's Numbered Secondary Break. Talk early offense at the X's and O's Basketball Forum with other great coaches from around the world.

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