Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Butler's Brad Stevens on How He Became the Head Coach

I've been meaning to post this up for a while now and with this lull in between the summer and beginning of the season, this is a great time to do that. It's an interview with Brad Stevens, the 31-year-old Head Coach of the NCAA Div1 Butler Bulldogs out of Indianapolis.

Notwithstanding his youth, it is Stevens' unique yet inspiring story about how he got into coaching which merits its mentioning. I know what Coach Stevens' is going through because I've lived it myself having worked and managed in a Fortune 500 company. Stevens acknowledges luck in meeting Thad Matta and him being chosen to sit on his bench, but I know that there was a ton of hours he must've put in to get to where he is now. Watch his incredible story of how he became a coach,

I know that there are a lot of readers out there that love the game of basketball and think about how or what they need to do to get into coaching. I don't think there is a single "way" to get into coaching, there are many in my opinion and a lot of it really has to do with where you want to coach. It would seem obvious from the start that we all want to be NBA coaches, but if you sit down and evaluate your realistic goals and priorities, you'll have a better idea of what you want to do.

With the season approaching and many of your top players getting into some individual work, here is a great new video, Billy Donovan's brand new DVD on Individual Drills. Coach Donovan is the head coach for the 2-time National Championship winning University of Florida. Be sure to check out the X's and O's Basketball forum to discuss your favorite coaching topics.

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