Saturday, September 27, 2008

Space and Attack Offense

As the season approaches, I'm sure many of you coaches are evaluating your talent, thinking about what to run this coming season. Here is another one worth considering:


Ay Cypress Springs High School in Houston, Texas we have been pretty successful with an aggressive attack on both ends of the floor. We call our offense, “Space and Attack”. This offense is essentially spacing and ball movement with the dribble. Our offensive players must get to the rim to score or get fouled. If they can’t get to the rim, that means they drew help from the defense. What we call “get 2 defenders to the ball.” If the offensive player draws help he must then make the correct read off the help. That is what we call “play off each other”.

What are the components of the space and attack offense?

• spacing
• personnel
• transition
• attacking the defender; attacking the rim; attacking the help
• scoring hierarchy
• terminology

If interested, please visit my website at

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