Thursday, December 18, 2008

Rick Reilly Sits Down with Roy Williams

Via ESPN, a great interview with UNC head coach Roy Williams interviewed by Rick Reilly. I've included it below in case you didn't get to watch it. Coach talks about a lot of different topics, all great stuff. From the importance of family, to humble beginnings, greatest disappointments (97 Kansas), winning one for Tyler Hansbrough, and more.

What I enjoyed most was Coach Williams talking about the need to appreciate the support system (6:30). Don't forget to thank the ball boys, the announcers, the scorekeepers, the floor sweeper, the janitors. It takes a great deal to setup and organize this great game that we love to play and participate in, and we as coaches shouldn't take that for granted. The other part that I really enjoyed listening to was Coach Williams talking about his High School football coaching experience (10:45). I don't want to spoil it for you, so you'll have to watch it yourself.

If you are a big Roy Williams fan like I am, then check out Roy Williams' DVD on Tar Heel Offense and Transition Drills. Talk early offense at the X's and O's Basketball Forum with other great coaches from around the world.

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