Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Bobby Knight Breaks Down Duke's Offense on ESPN

By popular request, this is Coach Bobby Knight breaking down Duke's Spread Offense. Coach Knight is all about spacing, his motion offense that he's taught for years is also all about spacing. It's probably one of the harder things to teach, because players tend to cluster around the ball. That's why I think the 5-out offense is the best offense to teach at the lower levels, it helps players develop that sense of spacing which they will bring up with them when they get up to the higher levels.

As an aside, I love how Coach only refers to numbers, no names. There is an old school coach that I know that does the same thing. It's not a sign of disrespect (obviously Coach knows #12 is Kyle Singler), it's just a coaching method to instill the values of team, no one player is above the team, you win as a team, lose as a team.

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