Friday, January 23, 2009

Lakers Organized Early Offense

Took in the main TNT double-header tonight. The Celtics and the Magic really went at each other, was always like a playoff game, a preview no doubt. Meanwhile the Lakers really put their foot to the throats of the Wizards. Part of it was bad defense by the Wizards, but certainly the Lakers have certainly played superbly, especially at home.

Just wanted to show some clips of the Los Angeles organized early offense. Sometimes when I watch games with friends and such and they think it's just chaos, guys flying around. But early offense and primary break offense is organized. There is a purpose to it. Take a look (apologize in advance for the intermittent audio),

Hit the Trailer:

The trailer is often the last person picked up by the defense as they transition back. Therefore, there is usually a brief time that they will be completely open. Obviously, the Lakers exploit the extended confusion by the Wizards, but as a principle, I think hitting the trailer and either driving or shooting is a good way to get an open shot early in the shot clock,

The Run Out:

Some coaches don't like to teach the run out as you get away from the box out on defensive rebounds. Personally I think its an age thing. If you're coaching anything lower than JV, stick with 5 defensive rebounders. At the higher levels, you can adjust that by adding the rule that if your check is shooting a perimeter shot and is the last man back, run at then run out,

Screen and Shuffle:

You can see that this is a designed play. Instead of the ball going to the trailer, Lamar Odom this time sets a pick for Kobe Bryant who shuffles to the top of the key to meet the pass. If open, shoot,


It's common knowledge that most teams will score 70-80% of their baskets in transition. Of the 20-30% in halfcourt, most will be on broken plays or offensive rebounds. But that doesn't mean it's just a free for all. Early offense and fast break is organized. It's not just about sprinting, but it's running with a purpose. Again, these are things that you should be practicing, so that in games they become instinctual.

For more info on practice drills for your fast break, take a look at Bruce Weber's DVD on Drills for Transition Offense. To discuss this and many more of your favorite basketball topics, head over to the X's and O's of Basketball Forum to talk with other coaches from around the world.

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