Friday, March 20, 2009

Walberg-Shyatt-Katz 4th Annual Ontario On-Court Coaches Clinic

We're coming into coaching clinic season. Feel free to email me if you want to promote your coaching clinic. This one looks to be a good one:

4th Annual Ontario On-Court Coaches Clinic
June 5-6, 2009
St Denis Centre, Windsor, Ontario
(1 minute across the Ambassador Bridge from Detroit)

Looking for a basketball coaching clinic this Spring?

We have some advantages over other clinics:
Multiple on-court sessions with the clinicians so you can fully understand their concepts.
Cost – We are already less expensive that any other clinic of its kind but if you respond with the words X0BLOG on your registration we will discount you and your staff to $80.00 US/$90 CDN per coach (an additional $20.00 savings on an already low price).
Question periods with the clinicians. Due to our more intimate setting coaches are allowed to interact more directly with the clinicians who are more than willing to talk basketball.
Accommodations are cheap in Windsor. Search on any hotel internet site for some great deals.
Social get-together. Our Friday night social has brought coaches together for years in a great fun setting that makes it a great networking experience.


Vance Walberg—University of Massachusetts
Mastering the Dribble Drive Motion Offense

Larry Shyatt—University of Florida
Florida Defensive System: Developing a Defensive Mindset

Mike Katz—University of Toronto
Philosophy, Plays and Inbound Situations

Check out some video of some of our clinicians (Simply click play on the video at the bottom of the page for a preview of what is to come at our clinic):

Vance Walberg

Larry Shyatt

Go to or contact
Coach Oliver at today for a brochure

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