Sunday, April 26, 2009

It's All The Same So Long as the Basket Goes Through the Hoop

The last day or so, I've heard a lot of talk on TV and the radio about whether or not certain star players need to score a certain amount of points in order for the team to win. In Houston, they're wondering whether it is a bad thing that Yao Ming only went 2-for-7, yet the Rockets still won. In Dallas, Dirk Nowitzki goes 4-for-9 and 12 points, the Mavs win, and people are wondering what's wrong with Dirk.

From a coaches perspective, it never really concerns me who gets the points, but rather what is important is whether we are executing properly as a team on offense; whether players are in the right position to make the correct decisions and reads. If Yao is being double-teamed, it makes sense to pass out and find the open teammate. If Przybilla is being physical and full-fronting with backside support, it makes sense to reverse the ball to the weakside. If Josh Howard against Michael Finley is a better 1v1 matchup, then by all means go to it.

Obviously there is no such thing as an equal opportunity offense, the more skilled and talented players will naturally end up taking the majority of shots. And of course, you want to be the aggressor on offense. But to a certain extent, good offense will be dictated based on what the defense gives you. For example, if the other team is playing a packline defense, it doesn't really make sense to keep pounding the ball into the paint. Similarly, if a team is over-playing all the passing lanes, it just makes common sense to go backdoor.

For a newer drill and winning program tips, check out Tom Izzo's new DVD on Warmup Drills and Winning basketball. Coach Izzo is the long time head coach of Michigan State who recently played in the National Championship 2009. Don't forget to check out the X's and O's Basketball Forum to discuss this and any of your favorite basketball topics.

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