Friday, June 26, 2009

Coach Don Meyer to Receive Jimmy V Award

Via LSU Women's head coach, Bob Starkey's blog, Northern State University men’s basketball coach Don Meyer will receive the Jimmy V Award for Perseverance at ESPN's annual ESPY awards presentation on July 15 in Los Angeles, airing nationally on ESPN on July 19.

Back last fall, Coach Meyer lost part of his leg after surviving a near-fatal car accident only to learn he had cancer. He successfully battled both his injuries and the cancer and returned to the sidelines later in the season. This past January, Coach Meyer set a national record for career coaching wins in NCAA men’s basketball passing Bobby Knight.

Everyone inside of coaching knows Coach Meyer, yet most sports fans couldn't tell you what sport he coaches. I'm still not sure how coach Meyer's story was not THE sports story of the year last year, but its good to see him get some national recognition. Here is the E:60 segment about Coach Meyer that ran a few months ago, worth it for sure if you haven't watched it,

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