Friday, October 16, 2009

The 2-1-2 Cycle Conditioning Drill

Sorry for the lack of updates this past week but with midterms, teaching, and relationships, its been one crazy week, quelle semaine de fou, we say in French. Anyways, for most practices I've run and others that I've observed, most teams run a form of full-court continuous conditioning drill as a warmup. I've used one very similar to the one below in the past with a 10:00 minute clock and a goal of reaching a set number of points. This one is from a set of notes and the drill is titled: 2-1-2 Cycle Conditioning.


Teams go 5v0 full court. First 5 go and each player takes a shot, for a total of 5 shots going back and forth up and down the court. If all 5 make their layups and shots, then 3 points get added as a bonus. Then the next 5 go. You continue like this, back and forth until 10:00 minutes is up. As a team, they need to score a minimum of XX points, whatever you set.

2-1-2 Cycle Conditioning

To start O5 bounces the ball off the backboard and passes to O1. O2, O3 and O4 run down the floor on a fast break. O1 dribbles down the court and takes a 3 point shot. O5 follows for the rebound. If O1 makes the shot, O5 takes the ball out of bounds. O2 and O3 will cross under the basket and run to the other end. O4 will
run back to the other end, while O5 rebounds the ball and passes to O1

O1 will pass to O2 for a layup. O3 will cross under the basket and run
down the opposite sideline. O4 will run to the end line, reverse and run to
the other end. O5 will run, rebound the ball and pass to O1.

O1 will pass to O3 for a layup. O2 will cross and run the opposite sideline.
After O3 shoots, he will cross too and run the sideline opposite O2. O4 will run the floor, reverse and run to the other end. O5 will run the floor, rebound the miss or take a make out of bounds. O5 will rebound the ball and pass to O1. O2, O3, and O4 will run down the court. O1 will pass to O4 for a layup. O5 will run down the court, rebound the ball, and pass to O1. O2 and O3 will cross and run the floor to the other end. O2 and O3 will cross under the basket and run to the other end. O5 will rebound the ball.

O5 will pass the ball to O1 and run the court O2, O3, and O4 will run to the other end of the floor O1 will pass ahead to O5 for a layup. O5 will clear the floor after the layup. O1 will clear the floor at the mid-court line. O2 and O3 will run the floor and then clear the floor. O4 will run the floor and clear the floor.

I will try to get breakdown some more motion stuff and maybe some zone offense and/or inbounds later in the weekend. In the meantime, for more great practice drills, take a look at Geno Ford's DVD on Toughness and Early Offense Drills. Coach Ford is the head coach of Kent State University.

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