Saturday, October 3, 2009

Alan Stein's Basketball Specific Metabolic Workout

Came across this video this past week. It's from Alan Stein's youtube account showing him working out some very specific basketball skills. I'm not a strength and conditioning expert, but the title of the video clip is "Cutting Edge Metabolic Workout." What it comes down to for me, is targeting specific muscles and movements used in basketball without a ton of special equipment. Here's the clip (mute the sound if the music bugs you),

Here a few screenshots I grabbed from the video:

For forwards, working on drop step dunk,

Great one for guards, using a thick rope, players simulate their jab steps, and first step,

Again with the thick rope, in parallel with a real dribble, helps players build muscles used in the arm for the pound dribble,

A full body workout lifting the big tire, and pushing it over completely (need good form or risk back injuries),

This is a great one to use for defensive slides, and also for building lateral leg strength,

A variation of pushups for an upper body workout,

For more strength building, check out Alan Stein's Pro Power Training 2-Pack DVD. Coach Stein is the conditioning coach for Montrose Christian, famously for having worked with Kevin Durant.

1 comment:

  1. I saw Alan speak at the Nike Championship Basketball Clinic in Richmond. It was a fantastic presentation. Easy to see why the teams and players Alan trains achieve such great success.


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